Decor Art

Decor Art
06 Jan Blog
5473 Views 0 Comment in Decor Art

DIY Instax word of the year wall plaque + Giveaway

For the past few years instead of choosing a New Year’s resolution I have chosen a word of the year. A word of the year is supposed to be an intention word, something that you want to manifest in yourself or your life. Well, this past year I did neither of those and now we are six months into the year, no better time to start than now, right?

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06 Jan Blog
5451 Views 0 Comment in Decor Art

The Most Commonly Missed Tax Deductions for Makers

It’s the end of the year and that means it’s time to start thinking about our favorite season of all – tax season. *That was sarcasm.* Taxes are inevitable but they don’t have to be painful. Our friends at Mazuma want to help you make sure you’re saving everything that you possibly can on your taxes which is why they wrote this post about commonly missed business tax deductions for you.

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